
Part I: A Bio-Hygienic Approach to Rheumatoid Arthritis

Interview with Clint Paddison

Part II: A Bio-Hygienic Approach to Rheumatoid Arthritis

Interview with Clint Paddison

Why Patients Are Unable to Heal (Audio interview with Dr. Paul Goldberg)

Click here to listen to the interview.

Tele-seminar: “Medicalizing Life’s Problems”

Jini Patel Thompson and Dr. Paul Goldberg

How Ant-Acids Wreck Your Health

Lecture By Dr. David Tener

Connect to the Earth Part I:

Lecture by Dr. Paul A. Goldberg

Dr. Goldberg discusses his experience having suffered with severe autoimmune disease as a young man.

Connect to the Earth Part II:

Lecture by Dr. Paul A. Goldberg

Dr. Goldberg discusses how our lack of earth connections has contributed to the rise in chronic health disorders.

Connect to the Earth Part III:

Lecture by Dr. Paul A. Goldberg

Dr. Goldberg discusses how the process of nutrition connects us to the earth.

Connect to the Earth Part IV:

Lecture by Dr. Paul A. Goldberg

Dr. Goldberg discusses “The Hygiene Hypothesis.”

Connect to the Earth Part V:

Lecture by Dr. Paul A. Goldberg

Dr. Goldberg discusses evolving out of chronic disease conditions and “re-connecting to the earth.”

The Cholesterol Drug War: The Dangers of Statin Drugs

In this documentary from ABC News, Dr. Maryanne Demasi investigates the science behind the claims that high cholesterol causes heart disease.

What Is Natural Hygiene: Part I

Lecture by Dr. David Tener

What Is Natural Hygiene: Part II

Lecture by Dr. David Tener